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Binding wires are made of galvanized, plastic coated annealed and stainless steel wire. It is softness, good ductility and high strength, and is easily bent and tied in a knot.

Binding wire with heat treatment will have high strength and become softer. Cover the wire with zinc, its resistance to corrosion will be strength. Galvanized binding wire has a matte or shiny finish, and it is easy to oppose the negative effects of the environment. PVC coated binding wire has resistance to corrosion.


  1. Binding wire is used for binding reinforcement slabs, metal mesh processing, beams, walls, columns and so on. In particular, it is used in concrete construction. Binding wire shall provide a secure hold reinforcing bars of different diameters.
  2. When you need to install fences and barriers, binding wire is used for making ropes, cables, springs, nails and electrodes. Through a combination of flexibility and strength of binding wire bonding is indispensable for the various elements of structures, and strengthen ceilings.
  3. Used in various industries for packing finished products.
  4. Binding wire used for hanging hops and vineyards, as it is a basic material for tapestries. Used for hanging vines binding wire diameters from 2.2 mm to 2.5 mm, and for the hop with a diameter of 1 mm.
  5. Binding wire used for the production of welded wire mesh and for the manufacture of barbed wire. Barbed wire is made of knitting nets with a diameter of 1.4 mm – 2.8 mm.


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